Join your colleagues for 4 days of interactive, top-tier education on Sunday, October 18, to Wednesday, October 21, with dozens of live sessions and 50 credit hours of CME—all from the safety of your home. CHEST 2020 Program Chair Victor Test, MD, FCCP, shares more of what you can expect from this year’s CHEST Annual…
This year has brought unimaginable challenges and stressors to the CHEST community, and while the CHEST Annual Meeting has decided to go virtual for the safety of all parties, what won’t change is the exceptional high quality and interactive experience attendees have come to expect from the meeting, says CHEST 2020 Program Chair Victor Test,…
“Our members and CHEST 2020 attendees can learn the latest well-supported research and recommended management of COVID-19 patients,” says CHEST President Stephanie Levine, MD, FCCP.
Medicine does not just heal bodies. Medicine also can help heal the cultural divides in our society, if clinicians are willing to own their part in the perpetuation of racism, says Nneka O. Sederstrom, PhD, MPH, MA, FCCP, who outlines sessions at CHEST 2020 pertaining to cultural diversity.
At CHEST 2020, trainees can learn about the latest research as well as practical tips on how research translates to clinical management, but that’s not all. The meeting provides a great way for trainees to interact with leaders in the field, network with trainees and faculty from other programs, and learn how to become more…
This year’s virtual meeting will be chock-full of virtual gaming experiences, including the debut of a new on-demand gaming experience—CHEST Player Hub powered by The Training Arcade®—and live game breaks between education sessions where you can compete in real time with other meeting attendees.
To help medical professionals take care of themselves in these challenging times, CHEST launched a web-based Wellness Center, featuring professional development tools and wellness resources to help CHEST members recover. Wellness will also be a focus at the annual meeting, says Alex Niven, MD, FCCP.