Supporting you on the front lines of pulmonary medicine.
Let us intervene as your partner in all things respiratory. Olympus is a global technology leader and pioneer in the respiratory arena. Our renewed and emboldened commitment to our respiratory division puts interventional and visualization tools in the hands of pulmonologists, expanding diagnostic and staging solutions in lung cancer and interstitial lung disease, as well as offering a novel, minimally invasive endobronchial treatment for COPD. Contact us for more information on some of our most innovative and newest technologies designed to help navigate, visualize, and optimize the pulmonary treatment pathway:
Single-use Bronchoscopes – Designed to equip physicians with the right scope, for the right patient, in the right situation.
Endobronchial Ultrasound-Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) – It’s the next generation of EBUS-TBNA – come see the new BF-UC190F EBUS Bronchoscope.
SPiN Thoracic Navigation System™ – This revolutionary platform is armed with an accurate 3D roadmap1, respiratory gating technology, and the flexibility to switch to a percutaneous approach in a single procedure.
Spiration Valve System™ – The Spiration Valve is currently the only valve approved for two separate indications, one under Premarket Approval for the treatment of emphysema and the other under Humanitarian Device Exemption for the treatment of prolonged air leak.