Daily News Boston CHEST 2024

October 6-9, 2024

Keynote speaker to help attendees relearn ‘Art of Happiness’

Neil Pasricha

A best-selling author on the topics of gratitude, happiness, failure, resilience, connection, and trust will help set the tone for the first in-person CHEST Annual Meeting since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Neil Pasricha will deliver the keynote address, “The Art of Happiness,” during the CHEST 2022 Opening Session, on Sunday, October 16, from 3:45 PM to 5:45 PM CT.

Pasricha has written nine books and journals, including New York Times bestsellers, The Book of Awesome and The Happiness Equation. After gaining acclaim for his writing and TEDx Talk, “The 3 A’s of Awesome,” he has presented to audiences at prominent universities, businesses, and festivals.

Pasricha was an ideal choice to help attendees not only embrace but carry forward the positive energy from CHEST 2022, said CHEST President David Schulman, MD, MPH, FCCP.

David A. Schulman, MD, MPH, FCCP
David A. Schulman, MD, MPH, FCCP

“In the context of our first return to in-person meetings in a long time, everything we’ve been through—the stress, the distance, the lack of ability to see colleagues and loved ones—I wanted to put together a program that would really focus on happiness and joy,” Dr. Schulman said. “He is striking right at the heart of what I think is really important for us to get back to and what I think has escaped many of us for the last couple of years.”

The Opening Session will also include remarks from Dr. Schulman; CHEST 2022 Scientific Program Chair, Subani Chandra, MD, FCCP; CHEST Foundation President, Ian Nathanson, MD, FCCP; and CHEST President-Elect, Doreen Addrizzo-Harris, MD, FCCP, as well as recognitions of awards and grants, and possibly a few surprises.

An afternoon focused on celebrating simple pleasures will extend into the evening following the session, as attendees are invited to head down the street to the Wildhorse Saloon for the CHEST All Attendee Opening Reception, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM CT.

Connect in person with influential clinicians from around the world—and attend top-tier educational sessions focusing on the most relevant clinical topics. CHEST 2024 will have it all, including optional add-on sessions to customize your learning. Reserve your spot today, and save $100 when you register by September 22.