The Honor and Memorial Lectures at CHEST 2023 recognize individuals who are advancing chest medicine, mentorship, training, and more.
Ahead of CHEST 2023, the chest medicine community nominated and selected 11 honorees to deliver lectures on topics including critical care, cardiopulmonary physiology, interventional medicine, mechanical ventilation, medical education, and COPD.
Lectures are spread out over all 4 days of the meeting program, giving attendees the opportunity to hear unique perspectives from some of the most distinguished experts in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. They also offer an incredible opportunity to meet leaders in the field.
“One of the best things about attending CHEST is meeting the experts in so many different fields,” said CHEST President, Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris, MD, FCCP.
The following is a complete list of this year’s honorees and lecture schedule.*
Sunday, October 8
Thomas L. Petty, MD, Master FCCP Endowed Memorial Lecture

Barry J. Make, MD, FCCP
COPD: A New Diagnostic Paradigm
7 am – 8 am HST | Room 323C
This award honors Thomas L. Petty, MD, Master FCCP, who trained hundreds of physicians in COPD, oxygen therapy, and spirometry. This award is conferred to a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) known for their work in advancing the understanding of COPD pathogenesis and/or treatment and for exceptional mentoring and clinical instruction skills.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
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Presidential Honor Lecture

Anne E. O’Donnell, MD, FCCP
Bronchiectasis: A Resurgent Disease
8:15 am – 9:15 am HST | Room 323C
This award honors an outstanding CHEST faculty member. The current CHEST President selects the recipient based upon their exceptional expertise in a given field.
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Roger C. Bone Memorial Lecture in Critical Care

Margaret A. Pisani, MD, MPH, FCCP
Honoring Lessons From the ICU: Carrying Forward Patient, Caregiver, and Team Wisdom
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm HST | Room 323C
Established in 1997, this award honors Roger C. Bone, MD, Master FCCP, a leader in critical care, sepsis, and sepsis research. Dr. Bone empowered physicians to communicate with patients and families about end-of-life issues and had significant achievements with CHEST. This award is conferred to a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) and world-renowned visionary in pulmonary and critical care medicine who is accomplished as an academician, clinician, and author.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
Monday, October 9
Margaret Pfrommer Endowed Memorial Lecture in Home-Based Mechanical Ventilation

David Berlowitz, PhD
Sleep-Disordered Breathing After Spinal Cord Injury
7:15 am – 8:15 am HST | Room 313B
This award, established in 1999 by Dr. Eveline Faure and Dr. Allen I. Goldberg, honors their lifelong colleague and friend, Margaret Pfrommer, a polio survivor and patient advocate. It is awarded to a clinician or ventilator-dependent professional or advocate who has advanced mechanical ventilation and fostered partnerships between physicians and patients.
The lecture is jointly supported by CHEST and the International Ventilator Users Network of Post-Polio Health International.
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Canadian Thoracic Society Honorary Lecture

Sherri Katz, MD, FCCP
Helping Kids Live Their Best Lives Using Respiratory Technology
8:30 am – 9:30 am HST | Room 313B
The Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) Scientific Program is held in conjunction with the CHEST Annual Meeting. The program features lectures and debates delivered by leading Canadian experts in respiratory medicine and research, as well as highlights up-and-coming faculty. The program features the CTS Honorary Lecture, which is awarded to recognize exemplary leadership in respiratory research and education in Canada.
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Murray Kornfeld Memorial Founders Lecture

Marilyn K. Glassberg, MD, FCCP
Inflammation: Shared Highways Leading to a Similar Destination
10:30 am – 11:30 am HST | Room 313B
This lecture was established in 1974 in memory of Murray Kornfeld, founder of the Federation of American Sanatoria, which later became CHEST. This award is conferred to a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) who is a leader in pulmonary and critical care medicine, particularly in infection and inflammation, and who is developing therapies expected to guide medicine into the future.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
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Edward C. Rosenow III, MD, Master FCCP/Master Teacher Endowed Honor Lecture

Septimiu D. Murgu, MD, FCCP
Stir It up and Make It Stick! A Decade of Experiential Learning at CHEST
1 pm – 2 pm HST | Room 313B
This endowment, established in 2004, gives special recognition to Dr. Edward C. Rosenow, who has promoted the development and training of hundreds of chest physicians during his 3 decades at the Mayo Clinic. It acknowledges his role of mentoring pulmonary and critical care physicians into CHEST leadership roles, where he has fostered the development of physicians-in-training to improve patient care.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
Tuesday, October 10
Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP Honor Lecture

Lynn T. Tanoue, MD, FCCP
Lung Cancer – The Evolution and Changing Presentations of a Modern Disease
7:15 am – 8:15 am HST | Room 315
This lecture honors Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP, and his lifelong contributions in pulmonary and critical care medicine. Dr. Irwin’s work in research, practice, and as Editor in Chief of the journal CHEST® emphasized patient-focused care for more than 50 years, promoting tenets like shared decision-making and accounting for patient values and preferences in clinical care. It is awarded to a clinician or health care provider who has advanced patient-focused care within the chest medicine community.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
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Mark J. Rosen, MD, Master FCCP Endowed Memorial Lecture

William F. Kelly, MD, FCCP
Gamification in Medical Education: Why and How?
8:30 am – 9:30 am HST | Room 313B
The Mark J. Rosen, MD, Master FCCP Endowed Memorial Lecture recognizes a CHEST educator who embodies the educational and leadership passion of Dr. Mark Rosen. This lecture, given in his memory, acknowledges his service as a clinician-educator, faculty, mentor, and leader in the pulmonary and critical care medicine community nationally and internationally. Dr. Rosen’s distinguished career in pulmonary and critical care medicine spanned more than 4 decades, marked by his deep commitment to fostering leaders, medical education, medical training programs, patient care, and promoting international education.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
Wednesday, October 11
Pasquale Ciaglia Memorial Lecture in Interventional Medicine

Christine Argento, MD, FCCP
Making an Impact Beyond Our Technical Skills in Interventional Pulmonary
8:30 am – 9:30 am HST | Room 313B
This award honors a CHEST member and Fellow (FCCP) who is well-known for their work in interventional medicine, such as clinical state-of-the art innovations, economic impact, invention, interventional critical care, research opportunities, and/or a host of other interesting facets of interventional medicine.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
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Distinguished Scientist Honor Lecture in Cardiopulmonary Physiology

Jean M. Elwing, MD, FCCP
Flow of Progress in Pulmonary Hypertension: From Pathologic Descriptors to Understanding Complex Mechanisms
10:30 am – 11:30 am HST | Room 313B
This lecture, established in 1973, is awarded to a well-respected CHEST Fellow (FCCP) who is a published original investigator in pulmonary clinical physiology.
The lecture is supported by CHEST and generous donations from our members.
*All lectures will take place inside the Hawaiʻi Convention Center. The honorees and lecture schedule are current as of September 12, 2023. Check the online schedule and CHEST Events mobile app for the most up-to-date session information.
Join us at CHEST 2025
Save the date for the next Annual Meeting, October 19 to 22, 2025, in Chicago. CHEST 2025 will explore the latest advancements in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine, with a focus on innovation and the future, just as the city itself embodies progress and reinvention.