Aneesa Das, MD, FCCP, and Chris Carroll, MD, FCCP, are back to share what’s happening today—Monday, October 19—at CHEST 2020.
“We are making important advances in terms of understanding the ways we treat patients with sepsis,” says Matthew Churpek, MD, MPH, PhD, who will open a panel discussion on Sepsis: Most Recent Advances on Monday, October 19.
Anthony S. Fauci, MD, delivered an overview of the public health and scientific challenges of COVID-19 during his keynote address on Sunday, October 18, in addition to saluting all of the CHEST members who have worked tirelessly during the pandemic and remain dedicated to patient care.
For many years, telehealth was an underutilized option for health-care delivery, but that changed abruptly with the arrival of SARS-CoV-2. Now telemedicine is here to stay, according to panelists in a CHEST 2020 session on Sunday, October 18.
In a CHEST 2020 session, When the Theoretical Becomes Real: Lessons From a Pandemic, a panel of experts will discuss the fundamentals of pandemic preparation and how the reality of COVID-19 has tested those tenets amid a real-world pandemic.
A Guideline-driven Approach to the Challengers of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Staging on Monday, October 19, will assess what works well in lung cancer and what needs more work. Jason Akulian, MD, MPH, will co-chair the session.
Each year, the CHEST Foundation offers grants to worthy research candidates, generous community service volunteers, distinguished scholars, and this year, communities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.